The foundation of

 Carl and Calla Curman  

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On November 3 in 1925 Calla Curman submitted the parts of Stångehuvud that she bit by bit had bought during the years 1916 to 1920 as a gift to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. At the same time she established "Carl och Calla Curmans stiftelse" (Carl and Calla Curman foundation), which will keep a "watchful eye" over Stångehuvud and determine what care and maintenance actions to be taken. The area will, according to the desire of Mrs Curman, as a natural monument forever be preserved. Particular emphasis will be laid on the preservation of the cliffs.

The board of the foundation originally consisted of four members: one member, the chairman, appointed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, one member who represents the Curman family and is appointed by the predecessor or by the board, one member appointed by the community of Lysekil, and one member appointed by the Bathhouse Company of Lysekil ("Badhusbolaget"). This company is now discontinued and the board of the foundation thus consists of three members. Today the board comprises:

Göran K Hansson, chairman, appointed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
e-mail: goran.hansson(a)

Katarina Bengtson Ekström, appointed by the Curman family.
e-mail: katarinabengtsonekstrom(a)

Micael Melin, appointed by the community of Lysekil.

Representative of the foundation: Eva-Lott Swahnberg                    
e-mail: sevalott(a)




The member of the foundation Katarina Bengtson Ekström, appointed by the Curman family, representative of the foundation  Eva-Lott Swahnberg, chairman Göran K Hansson, appointed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Agneta Blomqvist, appointed by the community of Lysekil (until 31 Dec. 2022).